Charles C. Camosy, Ph.D., A&S,
assistant professor of theology, published “Intellectual Solidarity and Transcending Polarized Discourse” in Political Theology in January.

Ayala Fader, Ph.D., A&S,
associate professor of sociology and anthropology, received a 2014-15 National Science Foundation grant to support her project, “Religious Orthodoxy and New Media Technologies.”

Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D., A&S,
Marie Ward Doty Professor of Psychology, director of the Fordham Center for Ethics Education, and professor of psychology, published three articles: “Ethics in Prevention Science Involving Genetic Testing” in Prevention Science; “Moral Stress, Moral Practice, and Ethical Climate in Community-Based Drug Use Research: Views from the Frontline” in the American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research; and “Preparing and Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of Research Involving Children and Youth: A Response to Proposed Changes in Federal Regulations” in Social Policy Report.

Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D., A&S,
Distinguished Professor of Theology, published Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love(Bloomsbury, 2014).

Christine Firer Hinze, Ph.D., A&S, professor of theology,
and J. Patrick Hornbeck, Ph.D., A&S, associate professor of theology,
co-edited More than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church, Volume I: Voices of Our Times (Fordham University Press, 2014).

Dean McKay, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of psychology, published Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Its Spectrum: A Lifespan Approach (American Psychological Association, 2014) and five articles, including “Social Networks: Much Older Than You May Think” in The Behavior Therapist and “Attitudes Towards Spirituality/Religion Among Members of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies” inProfessional Psychology: Research and Practice.

Molly Ness Hill, Ph.D., GSE,
associate professor of childhood education, published “Moving Student-Generated Questions Out of the Parking Lot,” in The Reading Teacher.

Aristotle Papanikolaou, Ph.D., A&S,
Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Theology and Culture, professor of theology, and co-founding director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, presented “Divine-Human Communion and Political Liberalism” at the University of Vienna’s Institute for Human Sciences on Jan. 16 and 17.

Francis Petit, Ed.D., BUS,
associate dean of executive programs, published “Marketing Executive Development in a Changing World: The Needed Executive Skills” in the Journal of Management Development in February.

Patrick J. Ryan, S.J., A&S,
The Laurence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society, received a Fulbright Specialist Award to give ten double lectures on “The Origins of Islam and Its Development in Africa” in Arrupe Jesuit College, Zimbabwe, from March 17 through March 28. He participated in the Kerygma Koffee discussion on Feb. 11 with Peter Bwanali, S.J., A&S, visiting professor of philosophy. Ryan and Bwanali gave a joint presentation on “Faith in the Third World.” Ryan’s annual Fall McGinley Lecture, “To Be a Pilgrim: A Geography of Faith for Jews, Christians, and Muslims,” was published in Originson Jan. 9.

Grace Yen Shen, Ph.D., A&S,
assistant professor of Chinese history, published Unearthing the Nation: Modern Geology and Nationalism in Republican China (University of Chicago Press, 2014).

Jay C. Wade, Ph.D., A&S,
associate professor of psychology, presented “Psychology of Men and Masculinity: Male Identity and Masculinity Ideology in Diverse Populations” at the International Seminar on Violence Against Women and Children in Salatiga, Indonesia in January.
