forbes-chinaFordham’s Graduate School of Business Administration’s BiMBA program at Peking University has received the top ranking from Forbes China magazine.

The magazine has issued a report on China’s Best Business Schools 2014, in which it undertook an independent survey of MBA programs at China’s business schools. The BiMBA program, which is taught jointly through a consortium of Jesuit business schools, was ranked No. 1 for full-time MBA program. BiMBA’s part-time MBA program was ranked highest on salary and its EMBA program was ranked highest on satisfaction.

The six-month survey of schools and their graduates led Forbes China to select 18 most valuable full-time MBA programs and part-time MBA programs. BiMBA was followed by China Europe International Business School at No. 2, and the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University as No. 3 for full-time MBA programs.
