Tom Beaudoin, Ph.D., GRE,
associate professor of practical theology, gave a plenary address, “Facilitating Life: An Ethic for Making Theological Sense of Music,” at Shaped by Beauty: Art, Religion, and Ethics in Conversation, a conference sponsored by Fordham and Heythrop College, at Heythrop College in London on June 26.

Doron Ben-Atar, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of history, published Taming Lust: Crimes Against Nature in the Early Republic (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014).

David V. Budescu, Ph.D., A&S,
the Anne Anastasi Professor of Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology, presented a paper, “Revisiting the ‘Wisdom of Crowds’: New Theoretical Results and Empirical Findings,” at the meeting of the Australian Mathematical Psychology Society in Canberra, Australia, in February. He also presented “Decisions With Imprecise Probabilities” as the Annual Edwards Lecture at the University of Washington in Seattle in March.

Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D., A&S,
Marie Ward Doty Professor of Psychology, director of the Fordham Center for Ethics Education, and professor of psychology, published “HIV Prevention Research Ethics” in the Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics; “Confidentiality, Privacy and Respect: Experiences of Female Sex Workers Participating in HIV Research in Andhra Pradesh, India” in the Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics; “Capacity Building From the Inside Out: Development and Evaluation of a CITI Ethics Certification Training Module for American Indian and Alaska Native Community Researchers” in the Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics; and “HIV Testing Among Pregnant Woman Living with HIV in India: Are Private Healthcare Providers Routinely Violating Women’s Rights?” in BMC International Health and Human Rights.

John A. Fortunato, Ph.D., BUS,
professor in communication and media management, published “Sponsorship Implications of the Lance Armstrong v. USPS Lawsuit” in the California Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law.

David S. Glenwick, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of psychology, published “Religion/Spirituality and Well-Being: Implications for Therapy” in the NYSPA Notebook.

Janna C. Heyman, Ph.D., GSS,
associate dean and professor of social work, was a panelist at the Jacob Burns Film Center’s showing of Alive Inside (2014).

Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J., A&S,
Distinguished Professor of Theology, was honored by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious on Aug. 15.

Dean McKay, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of psychology, published “An Examination of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Dimensions Using Profile Analysis via a Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS)” in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders; “Conducting Reviews for Journals: A Guide for New Reviewers and Suggestions for Old Hands” in the Behavior Therapist; and “Awareness and Dissemination” in the Behavior Therapist.

Sophie Mitra, Ph.D., A&S,
associate professor of economics, published “More Likely to be Poor Whatever the Measure: Working Age Persons with Disabilities in the United States” in Social Science Quarterly and “Disability Prevalence Among Adults: Estimates for 54 Countries and Progress Toward a Global Estimate” inDisability and Rehabilitation.

Joseph Paul Muriana, ADM,
associate vice president for Government Relations and Urban Affairs, received a Fordham Road Achievement Award for his many years of dedication and service to Fordham Road and the Bronx by the Fordham Road Business Improvement District (BID) on June 5.

Aristotle Papanikolaou, Ph.D., A&S,
Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Theology and Culture, professor of theology, and co-founding director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, published, “The Necessity for Theologia: Thinking the Immanent Trinity in Orthodox Theology,” in Recent Developments in Trinitarian Theology: An International Symposium (Fortress Press, 2014). He also presented “Overcoming Dualisms and Monisms in Orthodox Theology” at Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy, an international conference, at Jabok College in Prague, Czech Republic from May 21 to 25.

Thanos Patelis, Ph.D., GSE,
research scholar of school psychology, received the 2014 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award by Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology) of the American Psychological Association in August.

Lance Strate, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of communication and media studies, edited The Medium Is the Muse [Channeling Marshall McLuhan] (NeoPoiesis Press, 2014).Harold Takooshian, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of psychology, received the 2014 Quiet Hero Award at Brookdale College for his community work.

Warren W. Tryon, Ph.D., A&S,
professor of psychology, published Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychotherapy: Network Principles for a Unified Theory (Elsevier, 2014).

Matthew Weinshenker, Ph.D., A&S,
assistant professor of sociology, delivered a presentation, “Non-Standard Employment and Mothers’ Parenting, Relationship Conflict, and Depression: The Impact of Family Structure,” at the Work and Family Researchers’ Network Conference in New York on June 19.
