Top Row from left to right:Willie Diament, 102; Susan Schrag, 101 years old; Ann Collins, 104 years old; Junius Barber, 99 years old; Henrietta Johnson, 102 years old. Front Row from left to right: Irving Kahn, 106 years old; Lilian Sarno, 103 years old; Marie Mantel (age uncertain), Mary Glen, 103 years old, Dorothy Silberstien, 101 years old

It is a rare event to have even one centenarian in the room; but on Sunday, Nov. 11, there were 10 centenarians in the Lowenstein Center’s 12th-floor Lounge at a reception to honor a Fordham University centenarian study headed by Daniela Jopp, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology.

The reception was attended by centenarians, their families and friends, researchers, and some members from the Brookdale and X Prize Foundations who supported the study.

The goal of the Fordham Centenarian Study is to document what it means to live at age 100 and above, and to raise awareness around the growing but little-studied population.

Jopp detailed results from her two-year study, including the challenges and psychological strengths of centenarians, and honored the unique stories of the individuals who were able to attend the event.

Grant Campany, senior director of Archon Genomics X Prize, gave a presentation on their “100 Over 100” competition, and its role in identifying rare genes that increase longevity and good health.

Two centenarians were interviewed before those in attendance and shared their feelings about longevity.

To read more about Jopp’s study, see Inside Fordham’s article on her research.
