Photo taken in Rome by senior Joseph Mottola.

Drawing parallels between Italy and Japan might strike some as a complicated exercise, with Japanese restraint competing against Italian effusiveness, but it’s exactly what the photography show at the Center Gallery attempts to do. The show, Documentary Photography: Italy/Japan, finds unity in graphically composed prints that play off one another.

The straightforward title springs from two programs run by the Department of Visual Art, which took photography students to Tokyo and Rome during the 2011-2012 school year. The show’s November 28 reception felt more like a reunion, said senior Teresa Salinas.

“It’s a little nostalgic,” said Salinas. “But having so much time pass I can see everyone’s work with a new perspective.”

The exhibit was curated by artist-in-residence Stephan Apicella-Hitchock and associate professor Joseph Lawton. Apicella-Hitchock and Lawton also edited two books that were published from the show: R and Six New Photographers in Japan.

The exhibit continues its run through December 14.

Tom Stoelker

Photo taken in Tokyo by senior
Teresa Salinas.
