The Gabelli School of Business will be reaching far and wide next week, as it presents a raft of events geared toward learning more about international business, economics, politics and culture.

The week will feature:

-A global showcase fair of business opportunities staffed by international students

-A speech by Juan Carlos Vignaud, ambassador in residence of Argentina on Monday

-A speech by Alfonso Fanjul, GSB ’59, CEO of Florida Crystals, followed by a desert tasting on Tuesday

-Lunch with Lee Ballin, sustainability manager at Bloomberg LP, on Tuesday

-A speech by Pedro Murilo Ortega Terra, Chefe do SECOM and head of the Brazilian Trade Bureau, on Wednesday

-Lunch with Scott MacDonald, senior managing director of MC Asset Management Holdings, who will cover European politics and markets.

For more information and to register, visit

—Patrick Verel
