Creationism is far from the biggest issue at stake in current debates about religion and science. What are the implications for belief in the personal God of traditional religion if life on earth is governed by harsh laws of evolution, and if this planet occupies only a miniscule place in a vast cosmos stretching further in time and space than traditional theology ever imagined?

Do these realities undermine any plausible notion of a personal God? John Haught, Ph.D., a leading theologian specializing in issues pertaining to science, cosmology, evolution, ecology and religion, will address that question on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at a forum open to the public at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus.

Haught is author of many books, including God after Darwin: A Theology of Evolution (Westview Press, 1999) and the forthcoming God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens. A Senior Fellow, Science and Religion, at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, he previously chaired Georgetown’s theology department.

On Tuesday, he will be questioned by two other thinkers with contrasting perspectives: John Horgan, a science writer acclaimed for his skeptical books The End of Science and Rational Mysticism, and Brian Davies, a professor of philosophy at Fordham and author of The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil.

The event is the latest in a series of Headline Forums sponsored by the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture in its programs exploring questions arising at the intersection of religion and culture. The forum will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Pope Auditorium in the Lowenstein Center, 113 West 60th St.
