Stolen data, hacked networks and identity theft cause untold headaches for companies. To help them stay vigilant against the likes of botnets, worms and viruses, the Center on Law and Information Policy (CLIP) at Fordham Law School is co-sponsoring a free, two-part workshop, “Business Data Security and Red Flags Rules Compliance” on April 29.

WHAT:    Public Forum: Business Data Security and Red Flags Rules Compliance
WHERE:    Fordham University, Pope Auditorium, 113 West 60th St.
WHEN:    8:30 to 4 p.m. | Wednesday, April 29
RSVP:    Free and open to the public, [email protected], (212) 930-8878

The workshop is geared toward helping businesses of all sizes protect the sensitive personal information they store about customers and employees. Participants will learn how they can hinder fraud and identity theft through a comprehensive approach—from data security practices to detecting the “red flags” of identity theft.

The event will be split into two panels at 9:30 a.m. as part of “Protecting Personal Information—Best Practices for Business.” They will be followed by one session at 1 p.m., “Minimizing the Use of Stolen Identity—The Red Flags Rule.”

Other sponsors include the Federal Trade Commission and New York Consumer Protection agencies.

Morning Session: Protecting Personal Information—Best Practices for Business

Panel 1: Steps and Strategies for Developing a Data Security Plan

Panel 2: Preparing for and Responding to Data Breaches

The morning panel focuses on how businesses can better secure personal information, implement best practices for developing an appropriate data security program, and respond to data breaches and other privacy and security threats

Afternoon Session: Minimizing the Use of Stolen Identity—The Red Flags Rule

This session addresses a new regulation that requires creditors and financial institutions to develop an identity theft program for their covered accounts. Federal Trade Commission lawyers will provide guidance and answer questions about the scope, structure, and requirements of the Red Flags Rule.


Patrick Verel can be reached at [email protected] or (212) 636-7790.