Amy Aronson, Ph.D., A&S,
assistant professor of communication and media studies, co-edited a new anthology, The Gendered Society: Readings (Oxford University Press, 2007.)

George Demacopoulos, Ph.D., A&S,
assistant professor of historical theology, presented a talk on “St. John Chrysostom and the Constantinople That He Knew,” at the St. Necktarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, N.Y., on September 18.

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Laurence J. McGinley Professor
of Religion and Society, REL,
delivered the annual Bernardin Lecture, “Common Ground—Solid Ground,” at Elmhurst College in Illinois on Sept. 18. On Sept. 10, he attended the meeting of the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C., and wrote the foreword to the recently published book, De Lubac: A Guide for the Perplexed (Continuum, 2007), by David Grumett.

Marshall A. George, Ed.D., GSE,
assistant professor of English and literacy education, was recently elected to the executive committee of the Conference on English Education, which serves those National Council Teachers of English (NCTE) members who are engaged in the preparation, support, and continuing education of teachers of language arts and literacy.

James A. Lothian, Ph.D., BUS,
Distinguished Professor of Finance and director of the Frank J. Petrilli Center for Research in International Finance, presented the paper, “Irving Fisher, Expectational Errors and the UIP Puzzle,” at Trinity College in Dublin. He also delivered a lecture on “The Behavior of Prices and Nominal Exchange Rates Across Exchange-Rate Regimes: Three Natural Experiments” at the 11th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance at the University of Crete.

Philip M. Napoli, Ph.D., BUS,
Magis Professor of Communications and Media Management and director of the Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, has been appointed to the selection committee of the Social Science Research Council’s Collaborative Grants Program in Communications and Media Policy Research

Lance Strate, Ph.D., A&S,
professor, communication and media studies and associate chair of the department, gave the President’s Address at the Eighth Annual Media Ecology Association Convention at the Technológico de Monterrey in Mexico City in June. He also published “Understanding A Man in Time: James W. Carey and the Media Ecology Intellectual Tradition” in Critical Studies in Media Communication, “Neil Postman, Media Ecologist” in Explorations in Media Ecology, and “Quandaries, Quarrels, Quagmires, and Questions” in ETC.: A Review of General Semantics.
