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Business Professor’s Book on Surviving Downturns


Hooman Estelami, Ph.D., professor of marketing at Fordham University Schools of Business Administration, has published Marketing Turnarounds: A Guide to Surviving Downturns and Rediscovering Growth. Designed to help business professionals approach new marketing strategies to help promote growth, it provides a framework and tools to help managers combat sales and profitability downturns.

Knowledge of the intricate dynamics of marketing turnarounds is a fundamental requirement for business survival and growth today. The intense desire to survive in a slow market and find new avenues for growth has become a pressing goal for companies. The objective of Estelami’s book is to enable the pursuit of this goal by providing a guide for managers on various marketing approaches that can lead to growth and profitability.

The science of marketing turnarounds is based on an accurate understanding of how consumers respond to their changing environment. This book provides such an understanding by developing a framework of the various approaches to successfully executing marketing turnarounds. The framework and tools discussed not only enable managers to combat sales and profitability downturns, but also guide them in their aggressive pursuit of innovative ways to further nurture their businesses in stable and growing markets.


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